Black Swan

Went to see Black Swan last night with M & S. Holy fucking shite.

I never know what to expect when I'm going to see something that's garnered this much buzz. And Black Swan is particularly crazy because it really seems to have polarized the critics. Most of the reviews are overwhelmingly positive, but I've seen some that are vehemently anti-glowy. None are neutral. (I think this is my favorite comment so far, even though it reflects the author's snark more than it provides any insight into the experience of seeing the movie:

Print out a picture of the back of Natalie Portman's head, tape it to the center of your computer screen, and take a Google Street View tour of Manhattan. Presto, you've just made your own Black Swan!)
Anywho, I think the only other movie that has fucked with me so thoroughly was Dancer in the Dark. So many critics have offered some variation on the "let yourself get swept away with this story" theme, and I see why. By the time the credits rolled, I was gasping and clutching my stomach and trembling head-to-toe.

Don't get me wrong. I loved Black Swan. I think that it's brilliant and that Natalie Portman probably gave us the performance of her career with this one. But it is not what you'd call a feel good movie. Caveat emptor.


Dot-Com said...

Must add it to my list of movies to see!
