My books of 2010

This time last year I decided to keep track of everything I read in 2010. I'm not 100% confident that this is comprehensive, but it's close enough for government work. And yes, it's been gratifying to maintain a record of what I've read over the last twelve months. 

1. When You Reach Me - Rebecca Stead
2. The Good Soldiers - David Finkel
3. The Case of the Missing Servant - Tarquin Hall
4. The Lacuna - Barbara Kingsolver
5. Everything Matters! - Ron Currie, Jr.
6. Cooperstown Confidential - Zev Chafets
7. Good Without God - Greg Epstein
8. The Shipping News - Annie Proulx
9. What I Thought I Knew - Alice Eve Cohen
10. Wonder Boys - Michael Chabon
11. Moneyball - Michael Lewis
12. Nine Lives: Mystery, Magic, Death and Life in New Orleans - Dan Baum
13. The House on First Street - Julia Reed
14. Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?
15. Gumbo Tales: Finding My Place at the New Orleans Table - Sara Roahen
16. Why New Orleans Matters - Tom Piazza
17. Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
18. Manhood for Amateurs - Michael Chabon
19. The Yiddish Policemen's Union - Michael Chabon
20. House of Sand and Fog - Andre Dubus III
21. Magic Time - W.P. Kinsella
22. Ironweed - William Kennedy
23. Twilight - Stephanie Meyers
24. Tom Jones* - Henry Fielding
25. The Bedwetter - Sarah Silverman
26. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
27. The Girl Who Played with Fire - Stieg Larsson
28. Shadow Tag - Louise Erdrich
29. Secrets of Eden - Chris Bohjahlian
30. The Art of Eating In: How I Learned to Stop Spending and Love the Stove - Cathy Erway
31. The Daily Coyote - Shreve Stockton
32. Food Matters - Mark Bittman
33. Steinbrenner: The Last Lion of Baseball - Bill Madden
34. The Brethren - John Grisham
35. Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson
36. On With the Story - John Barth
37. How Did You Get This Number - Sloane Crosley
38. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest - Stieg Larsson
39. The Tidewater Tales: A Novel** - John Barth
40. Tree of Smoke - Denis Johnson
41. Tales of a Female Nomad: Living At Large in the World - Rita Golden Gelman
42. Women, Food and God - Geneen Roth
43. The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
44. Artichoke Tales - Megan Kelso
45. Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
46. Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
47. The Happiness Project
48. Pack of Two** - Caroline Knapp
49. Let's Take the Long Way Home - Gail Caldwell
50. Drinking: A Love Story** - Caroline Knapp
51. The Merry Recluse** - Caroline Knapp
52. Freedom - Jonathan Franzen
53. The Help - Kathryn Stockett
54. If I Stay - Gayle Forman
55. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - Jean-Dominique Bauby
56. Cold Sassy Tree - Olive Ann Burns
57. The Last Boy: Mickey Mantle and the End of America's Childhood - Jane Leavy
58. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bronx is Burning** - Jonathan Mahler
59. The Discomfort Zone: A Personal History - Jonathan Franzen
60. A Woman in Berlin: Eight Weeks in the Conquered City - Anonymous
Right around here I ran out of library books and ended up re-reading a bunch of books, including:
61. The Hours** - Michael Cunningham
62. Name All the Animals** - Alison Smith
63. Girls in Trucks** - Katie Crouch
64. The House on First Street** - Julia Reed
65. Gumbo Tales: Finding My Place at the New Orleans Table** - Sara Roahen (these last two are particularly embarrassing because I just read them earlier this year. . . I was getting desperate)
66. Breaking Night: A Memoir of Forgiveness, Survival, and My Journey from Homeless to Harvard - Liz Murray
67. Rat Girl: A Memoir - Kristen Hersh
68. Pride and Prejudice** - Jane Austen

* I didn't actually finish Tom Jones, but decided that it should stay on the list because I made it through 700+ pages. Dunno why it was such a struggle--I enjoyed aspects of the book quite a bit, but cried uncle when I realized that it had taken me several weeks to get through the last two hundred pages or so. 

** These are re-reads, sometimes for a specific purpose, sometimes out of desperation. 

