December 4 - Wonder

How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? -- Author: Jeffrey Davis
Today's is by far my favorite prompt so far, and also the one about which I think I have the least to say. Oh the irony!  

I spend a lot of time thinking about wonder. Perhaps the prompt thrills me precisely because it reflects a quality I value deeply. As for the mechanics of wonderment? Reflection, gratitude, and connection.

Nurturing wonder has been a skill like any other -- for me, it began as a conscious exercise that I gradually internalized. Now this way of interfacing with the world is reflexive enough that its loss is one of my key early-storm-warning signs. As things have gotten darker and colder lately (both literally and emotionally), I've found myself needing to work a little more to catch those moments of delighted awe.

I think I mentioned in passing the other day that 2010 has brought me a deep sense of abundance, a feeling that I have enough. This translates into an unexpected well of contentment and tranquility -- oh-so-welcome, particularly given the turbulence of the past several months. I am sure that this is wonderment running deep.  


Dot-Com said...

I hope you'll see it getting lighter real soon. Maybe you need a trip to Dublin soon to reflect and kick back for a while :)
